Test. Test. I wanted to blog long time ago. I was lazy and procrastinated. See my profile photo. That was chloe when she was 6 months old. That means 3 years ago. Until recently I met up with a girlfriend who posts nuggets of her life on Facebook, she rekindled my blogging thought. So here I am. This time I want to blog to document the lifes of my 2 little girls. Chloe 3.5 and Kayley 1.5. My memory is so bad I can't remember their milestones and my feelings. So hopefully I will continue this blogging habit.
Chloe Chia |
Chloe Chia. This was taken in Jan. Age 3 years 1 month. She was at my dad's 70th birthday party. Dress was a present from Chris. H&M. Hello kitty necklace was a present from Godmama's sister Audrey. Also H&M.
Kayley Chia |
Kayley Chia. This was taken Jan/Feb. Age 1 year 1 month. Dress from sis in law Tiffany. Loot from Bangkok.
I should take more photos. I always tell myself that. But I don't do it. Bish myself.
I had fever of 38.7 last night. It's been a long time since I had such a high fever. Painful throat and ears. But better now after antibiotics from the clinic visit this morning.
My poor Kayley had fever since Tuesday night. 5 nights already. Low fever betw 37.5 and 38.5. Also flu and cough which has worsened. Self medicated her the last 5 nights. I'm like a doctor now. I know what medicine to give for fever, phlegm, running nose, cough. We visited the doctor this morning since I had to go, and the doctor gave the same medicine, with an addition of antibiotics. So hopefully she will get well soon. K didn't like the medicine. So I had to work together with Siti to feed her. Siti grabbed her so that her limbs won't get in the way, I squeezed her cheeks, pinched her nose, and syringed the syrup into her mouth. We are glad she took in the full dose. We did that 3 times today but we think that it will get tougher along the way because she will start to know how to retaliate. While we fed, Chloe was next to us, and was very sad for her little sister.