Sunday 29 Sep - Siti returned to Indonesia for 2 weeks holiday. The girls had fun at the airport. They enjoyed the sky train and there was an adventure ride for children.
Thursday 2 Oct - Children's day party in school, and there were photo booths, goodie bags..
Friday 3 Oct - Children's day holiday, we spent the day with winnie and jaden, we had macdonald breakfast, then giggles playground, then japanese lunch, then supermarket shopping, and in the evening chinting visited us at home..
Saturday 4 Oct - winnie jaden me chloe kayley went for u picnic. Chloe said it was an awesome day, because she had cotton candy, popcorn, there was a show with Katy Perry songs, ferris wheel and fireworks. Random note - no more diaper in the night for kayley at 2 years 10 months!
Sunday 5 Oct - chloe gets a haircut! She doesn't like to blow her hair when it's wet. She doesn't like to tie her hair when it's hot. So its best she gets short hair! Both girls really enjoy haircut at kimage :)
Monday 6 Oct - Kayley swims in her bathtub, check out her meaty buttocks! Chloe says bathtub cheers! Random note - they are into pocoyo now, after wiggles and peppa pig, so they are watching pocoyo youtube videos on their smart tv in the bedroom. Also their favourite phrase - not fair!
Tuesday 7 Oct - K woke up vomited and went back to sleep immediately. Her vomit was mix of milk and fishball (her favourite food now). I changed her pyjamas and removed the bedsheet. I didn't remove the 'waterproof' cover because I was afraid she will vomit again. Covered the wet parts with towels.
Earlier I scolded K because she wanted me to carry her around the house and I was tired so I refused and she started crying and she cried for kaka - 'I want kaka.. I want to tell her mummy scold me'.
Daddy had a relapse of his slipped disc / neck pain and he told chloe he was going to die and go to heaven. Chloe started telling people that daddy is going to heaven. I asked her what is heaven. She says it's a hospital for a long long time.. A 100 years.. After you die.. and she closed her eyes stuck her tongue out for a dead man face.
Wednesday 8 Oct - auntie chinting came to babysit! So sweet of her. When she arrive, daddy finished bathing for kayley, so she bathed for chloe. Then they played. From the photos, you will see that she made them so happy. Also she put chloe to nap. We are so going to miss her!
Friday 10 Oct - mummy was on leave again. After school the girls played at the playground. In the evening auntie chinting came again and she brought her ballerina friend who taught chloe basic ballet steps but mummy forgot to take photos.
Saturday 11 Oct - mummy brought both girls to bishan. Chloe went eduplus while kayley went library. Godmama joined us for lunch and played with girls at home. Random note - mummy bought a cane! The girls need to be disciplined. Mummy loves you and wants you to be good persons when you grow up so she must be strict with her punishments and hopefully you will thank her when you are a grown up!
Sunday 12 Oct - Kayley's first shichida class! She says she enjoyed despite the class is at 845 and she was yawning a few times during the class so let's see! We went to conrad's birthday party but it was too hot so mummy didn't take any photos. At night we went to the airport to fetch siti! I'm so happy she's back to help with the chores, the house is dirty without her! The girls hugged her and especially kayley. She was smiling sweetly airport and said my kaka. But at night she wanted to sleep with mummy and not kaka. Aw sweet. But mummy cannot take 2 girls to bed and wake up 4 times a night, 2 times per girls to hear whining and also make milk. So baby kayley, sorry you will have to go back to siti's arms. But mummy loves you very much. Hopefully when we move to the new house, k is 5 and c is 7, both girls can sleep independently in their shared bedroom. End of this post, siti is back :)